Coach Steve Kerr of the Golden State Warriors has shared his plans for Draymond Green, who is expected to make his comeback on Tuesday in a pivotal In-Season Tournament match.”He and Rick [Celebrini] have been putting in a lot of work.” I’m not positive about it, but I think he scrimmaged [Friday]—I traveled to Phoenix with us,” Kerr said, citing Anthony Slater of The Athletic. However, he has been working really hard, so maybe on Tuesday he will be well and able to play a big role.
In preparation for his eagerly awaited comeback against the Sacramento Kings, Green had been exercising with the Warriors’ training staff.
The Warriors would have secured Group C in the Western Conference of the In-Season Tournament with a win over their newly-formed California rivals and a loss by the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Stephen Curry told reporters after leading Golden State to a 118–112 victory over San Antonio on Friday, “I know Draymond’s excited to be back.” We can’t wait to have him. He is necessary to us.
Green put Rudy Gobert in a chokehold on Friday, serving the last game of his five-game suspension. The Warriors’ record while Green was suspended was 2-3.
This season, Green is averaging 8.8 points, 5.1 rebounds, and 5.7 assists.
The Return of Draymond Green “Won’t Solve Everything”
They are happy to have Green back, but Curry set reasonable expectations.
Curry stated, “Draymond’s return helps a lot because of his defensive prowess and his communication style, but it won’t solve everything.” We must thus address those who are traveling to Sacramento in particular. We are aware of the severity of their offense.
The Kings’ numbers are with the Warriors. On October 27, in their first meeting of the season, they defeated them 122-114. When they played again on November 1, Klay Thompson’s game-winning kick helped them win just narrowly. Top player for the Kings, De’Aaron Fox, was injured and missed that match.
The Kings, who are currently the NBA’s best defensive team this year, defeated the Timberwolves 124-111 to go into their rematch with the Bay Area.
Wayne Payton II’s Comeback
With Green’s return on Tuesday, Kerr will have his entire roster available. Gary Payton II returned on Friday, having missed three games due to a foot injury.
During his successful comeback, Payton II blocked 7-foot-3 top pick Victor Wembanyama.
About the block, Warriors coach Steve Kerr remarked, “It was an exciting moment.” “It was a huge hit with the audience. Our fans were definitely engaged in the game by the incredible play.
With 8:27 remaining in the second quarter and the Warriors trailing 46–40 by six points, Payton II replaced Chris Paul. Payton II left his mark on the epic Golden State comeback seven seconds later.
In transition, Wembanyama concealed the ball by wrapping it around his back. Payton II suddenly jumped out of nowhere and swatted the ball out of Wembanyama’s hands and into the stands just as he was about to make another highlight play.
Curry praised Payton II’s defensive gem, saying, “It’s a way to reintroduce himself after his absence and obviously, he’s got a knack for athleticism but, especially off of my turnover, that was appreciated.”
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