Blast From The Past: On This Day 2009 – See ‘Boys Of ’87’ Honoured With Cov.’Walk Of Fame’
On this day (16th May) in 2009, on the day of its 22nd Anniversary, Coventry City’s FA Cup Final Wembley Win was honoured at the Coventry ‘Walk Of Fame‘. On this day the Sky Blues 1987 FA Cup Winning team inducted onto the Coventry Walk Of Fame located in Priory Place at the heart of Coventry city centre. No doubt a visit three years ago would have been particular redolent for those who view the walk given that Coventry was the nation’s ‘City of Culture‘ 2021-22 as the club celebrated the 35th Anniversary of the magical Wembley win!
Thanks to Steve Barnett of the then Coventry News Service for the words, pictures and videos from that day in 2009.
“The Walk Of Fame is an idea by Pete Chambers, who was present at the ceremony at Priory Place in Coventry this lunchtime on what is being termed as “Coventry Day” a day where we not only celebrate the winning of the 1987 FA Cup Final but everything good about our world famous and historic City.
Now in its second year and something which we hope will continue if funding can be found, today’s award ceremony was live on BBC Coventry & Warwickshire and attended by around fifty members of the public plus a number of media.
Coventry City Councillor Ken Taylor gave a civic welcome before City’s 1987 Coach John Sillett gave a speech. John said it was a day that he will never tire of and one he will never forget.
There then followed speeches by Hereward Lawford the step grandson of Sir Alfred Herbert, Birthday girl Hazel O’Connor and Don Lee from the Phillip Larkin Society. This year, there were ten winners in the Coventry City 1987 FA Cup winning team and runner Marlon Devonish from the world of sport; Music’s Vince Hill, Hazel O’Connor and The Selecter. From ‘Industry’ Sir Alfred Herbert; from ‘Writing’ Phillip Larkin and from ‘the Screen’ Nigel Hawthorne, Billie Whitelaw and Clive Owen. The latter two were unable to attend but everyone else either attended or was represented by a family member.
The plaques which are set into the floor were then unveiled by City’s Steve Ogrizovic, Lloyd McGrath, Dave Bennett, Trevor Peake, Micky Gynn [all CCFPA members] and Marlon Devonish
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