Iron Man’s initial identity reveal started the MCU out with a bang, and his decision has just been perfectly justified by Batman Unburied of all things. Everyone knows that without Tony Stark, there wouldn’t be an MCU as fans currently know it. Iron Man ended with him revealing his hero identity to the public, and while it was a questionable choice, it undoubtedly lined up with Tony’s personality. Some fans still have thoughts about his decision over a decade later, but another masked hero has just helped justify Tony’s actions.

Surprisingly, the hero is from Marvel’s rival studio, DC. There are definitely some parallels between Tony’s life and Bruce Wayne’s, as they both inherited a great deal of wealth after the passing of their respective parents. Both now try to use their money and smarts to help the community, though they have been known to prioritize their own interests in the past. A recent Batman release has taken Bruce’s story into a new direction, and the story beat has indirectly helped justify Tony’s initial MCU decision.
The second season titled “Fallen City” of the scripted drama podcast Batman Unburied was recently released on Spotify. The series has been a breath of fresh air among Batman projects as it is a unique story medium focused entirely on sound. Fans have been enjoying the podcast, describing it as a bleaker take on a familiar story. In the latest season, it’s revealed that people think that Batman is Bruce’s bodyguard. Because that would put the hero on Bruce’s payroll, they don’t trust him to have true intentions.
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