My daughter and son-in-law are typical first generation olim who made aliyah in their late teens/early twenties, married, had kids and work hard at several jobs to make a living, and Baruch Hashem they manage and are extremely happy – but, like many others, it’s tough and opportunities for relaxation on their own are few and far between.

So, I was delighted to hear that they were jetting off to Cyprus for one night to the Ed Sheeran concert earlier this week. It was the first time they had left the kids and gone abroad (even for one night) and they were obviously a little nervous as to whether their “elderly” parents (my wife and I) would cope.
When she had composed herself sufficiently to be coherent, it transpired that what had caused her upset was the sight of 180 Israelis on their way to the same concert. Many were amputees, double amputees and other assorted injured soldiers of the IDF, together with some 40 bereaved young adults aged 14-22, all of whom lost an immediate family member on or since October 7th. Lior Suchard, the famous mentalist (whom we have all seen on our El Al safety instructions) joined the group as well.
This was part of the amazing Hagshamat Halom (Fulfilling the Dream) initiative which aims to help make dreams come true for those with special needs.
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