“Becoming Led Zeppelin” Documentary: The much-anticipated official documentary on Led Zeppelin, Becoming Led Zeppelin, is set for an IMAX release on February 7, 2025. The film explores the band’s early years with rare, unseen footage and exclusive interviews, offering fans an immersive cinematic experience.
2. Saving Grace Performance: A professional recording of Robert Plant’s October 2024 performance with his band Saving Grace at the Baloise Session festival in Switzerland was streamed online, showcasing his current musical endeavors.
3. Reimagining Led Zeppelin Classics: Earlier this year, Robert Plant worked on a reimagined version of a classic Led Zeppelin song at Magic Garden Recording Studio. While details remain under wraps, this project involved reinterpreting one of the band’s iconic tracks, continuing Plant’s tradition of revisiting and reshaping his earlier work.
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